Creating Balance Instead Of Burnout
I remember one day coming home and feeling so drained that I just sat on my bed staring at the wall. I was so exhausted but could not fall asleep. It was the strangest feeling and I knew something was off.
Ever been burnt out? Ever felt like something was out of balance but struggled to pinpoint what it was? I have certainly been in that scenario many times but have learned something since that is so simple it is often overlooked. I am going to share with you a little secret that has helped me create balance and avoid burnout in my own life. I hope it helps you too!
Ready for the secret? It is a chart. Well, actually it is a principle involving a chart. Stay with me. Just like a car needs gasoline to keep running we need energy to keep going as well. A car doesn't just need gasoline though, it needs regular maintenance and care to keep all the parts working fluidly. Just like the car, we need more than just the essentials to live too. We need regular maintenance and care. Everything in our lives is connected, which means one area with inevitably affect another.
Here is where the chart comes in. This chart establishes four different facets to complete wellness: Physical, Mental, Emotional and Spiritual. When we are feeling burnt out it is often because we are neglecting one or more of these areas. We have been giving ourselves the bare minimum of care instead of creating balance. This chart is meant to help us keep all areas of wellness in mind. Imagine feeling off and simply being able to "check your vitals" and know exactly what is needed.

Try writing down at least three things in each area that refuel you and make you feel re-energized. Now, take that piece of paper and post it some place it will be seen. No one can maintain a completely balanced life all the time, but by referring to this tool regularly you can give yourself some love (as we so often forget to do) and avoid feeling burnt out. Give it a try and send me a message or leave a comment about how this chart has helped you!
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