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Overcoming Limiting Beliefs

We all struggle with thoughts that hold us back.

"What if they don't take me seriously?"

"What if I fail?"

"I am not good enough."

"I will never measure up."

Beliefs like this keep us from reaching our full potential and prevent us feeling whole and confident. Overcoming these beliefs is something we work through during the life coaching process. Here is the step by step process I go through with one-on-one clients to empower and enable them to step into their full potential.

Identify the belief

First isolate the belief that is holding you back. Here are some questions that might help you identify your limiting belief:

-What causes you to hide or shy away?

-What do you fear? Why?

-What is the thought that runs through your mind when making a decision that pushes you outside your comfort zone?

Find the root source

Once you have identified the belief you can move on to discovering its root source. Ask yourself:

When did you first believe this?

What happened for you to believe it?

Did it stem from a person or event? A failure or an unkind word?

Recognize the truth

Take time to reflect and begin to see your limiting belief as just that, a belief. Beliefs can be shaped, changed and molded. The limiting beliefs we have will never serve us except to keep us safely tucked away in our comfort zone. When we replace negative thoughts with rational truth we begin to walk with confidence. How do you find the truth? Take time to dive into who you are and what you truly want in life. Most beliefs are based in irrational thoughts of measuring up to someone else's opinions or standards. By identifying your core beliefs and values you will begin to clearly see the thoughts that do not fit into who you are.

Replace the belief

Now it is time to replace your limiting belief and begin to create a new empowering belief instead. Here is a practical way to track your thoughts and begin to erase limiting beliefs and save new positive beliefs. Keep a small notebook and on one side of a page write down every limiting belief or negative thought you may have. Now on the opposite side begin to replace those negative thoughts with positive truth. For example: "I will never measure up," instead "I will create a life I love. I need only impress myself."

Re-enforce the new belief

Once you have recognized and challenged your limiting beliefs and replaced them with empowering beliefs then it is time to re-enforce them. Begin to create evidence of that new belief in your life. Begin to visualize the kind of energy you want in your life. Is it a peaceful energy? A vibrant joyful energy? What person do you want to be? Live into that vision. For example for someone who may want more confidence he or she may begin to speak up when addressing a new person and practice smiling. When you begin to succeed celebrate, no matter how small the success. Remind yourself of the breakthrough and look back at how far you have come. Nothing re-enforces a new positive belief more than real tangible evidence or experience.

Continue to create and enforce new beliefs and don't give up! I hope this step by step process has helped. If you want to go deeper or still feel stuck reach out via my home page or my email at I offer a free 30min coaching call.

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